My lovely wife Ash Burgess returns for our annual "splendors of autumn" episode
As we've done for many years, we discuss the sights, sounds and tastes of fall. (Possibly the best season of all?)
Hello and welcome to The Rob Burgess Show. I am, of course, your host, Rob Burgess.
On this our 257th episode our returning guest is Ash Burgess.
Ash Burgess has appeared on dozens of episodes of the podcast. Here is a complete list.
Ash Burgess has a dusty degree in Religious Studies and an appetite for both high and low culture. She strives to celebrate the best of every season with her young children.
Follow her on Instagram and subscribe to her YouTube channel.
I usually send this out on Fridays, but this week, it’s on Tuesday. I’ve been consistent about it since I started this Substack. But, this time, I have a good reason. On Friday, I found out I won an honorable mention award at this year’s Tabbie Awards for Best Feature Article. I’ll have much more to say about the future, but you can read about it here. On Sunday, I played cards and guitar with some good friends. On Monday, Ash and I spent the day celebrating the start of our children’s school years at the park on a gorgeous day.
I’ll be back on schedule on Friday. I’m scheduled to record a really exciting live episode of the podcast tomorrow morning. Stay tuned.